An interface and tools for visualizing large and complex datasets
commandArg< argType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for commandArg< argType >, including all inherited members.

commandArg()commandArg< argType >inline
commandArg(string name, string descrip)commandArg< argType >inline
commandArg(string name, string descrip, argType T)commandArg< argType >inline
GetDescription()commandArg< argType >inline
GetName()commandArg< argType >inline
GetType()commandArg< argType >inline
GetValue()commandArg< argType >inline
HasDefault()commandArg< argType >inline
HasValue()commandArg< argType >inline
mDesccommandArg< argType >private
mHasDefaultcommandArg< argType >private
mHasValuecommandArg< argType >private
mNamecommandArg< argType >private
mValuecommandArg< argType >private
operator<(const commandArg< argType > &lhs, const commandArg< argType > &rhs)commandArg< argType >friend
SetDefault(argType &T)commandArg< argType >inline
SetDescription(string d)commandArg< argType >inline
SetValue(argType &T)commandArg< argType >inline