An interface and tools for visualizing large and complex datasets
Public Member Functions | List of all members
ns_whiteboard::graphic Class Referenceabstract

#include <Whiteboard.h>

Inheritance diagram for ns_whiteboard::graphic:
ns_whiteboard::arc ns_whiteboard::axes ns_whiteboard::decorator ns_whiteboard::dpoint ns_whiteboard::line ns_whiteboard::point ns_whiteboard::rect ns_whiteboard::text

Public Member Functions

 graphic ()
virtual void Draw (display_type *d)=0
virtual ~graphic ()

Detailed Description

An abstract base class defining an object which can be displayed. Instantiations override the Draw method.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ns_whiteboard::graphic::graphic ( )
virtual ns_whiteboard::graphic::~graphic ( )

Member Function Documentation

virtual void ns_whiteboard::graphic::Draw ( display_type d)
pure virtual

Abstract method to draw an object.

dpointer to a display_type instantiating a particular graphics file format

Implemented in ns_whiteboard::decorator, ns_whiteboard::text, ns_whiteboard::arc, ns_whiteboard::rect, ns_whiteboard::line, ns_whiteboard::dpoint, ns_whiteboard::point, and ns_whiteboard::axes.

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